Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Wiki

"The Mantis works great wonders. I mean it's a great ship, excellent pilot but it is not built for close support." ― Greez Dritus

Greez Dritus(Snitelul fantastic) is a character in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.


The captain of The Stinger Mantis, the four-armed Latero Greez Dritus is an adept pilot who works for Cere Junda. Known for his gruff nature and curmudgeonly demeanor, Cere is the only person in the galaxy who Greez appears to hold in high esteem. Greez is known for gambling at Sorc Tormo's arena.


Greez grew up on Lateron, raised by his grandmother whose cooking he notably revered. It is likely that it was from her that he learned to cook. Greez's parents were gamblers, a trait which he soon inherited. After becoming severely in debt and wanted by the Haxion Brood, he took on a charter from Jedi master Cere Junda in order to pay off his debts. At the end of this charter, Greez chose to remain as Cere's pilot due to the friendships he had formed with her and the other members of her group.


Greez is a bit cantankerous and highly protective of his ship. He expresses aversion to combat, and refuses to have any part in a battle, if he can avoid it. However, he is shown to be willing to risk his ship, and his own life, for those he cares about. He is constantly heard bragging about the Mantis' capabilities, as well as his skill as a pilot. While he harbors no love for the Empire, and show sympathy to the Jedi, Greez doesn't have a high opinion of the Partisans, referring to them as "radicals." He is constantly hungry and talks about food, almost as much as he talks in general.

Greez has a significant fear of the planet Dathomir, and will not exit the ship when it parks on the surface. He can be heard reassuring himself on the planet, "I've got walls, I've got Jedi, I've got nothing to worry about."

He has a good working relationship with Cere, listening to her and actively taking her suggestions into account. They have clearly worked together long enough that he trusts her, even when he isn't totally on board with her ideas.

Greez doesn't initially see much in Cal, and resents the danger that results from his presence aboard the Mantis. At the start of their journey, Greez will make small talk with Cal, but tends to keep it short, and abruptly ends any conversation by stating he's "busy." He gradually warms up to Cal over time, complimenting the Padawan's skills, and even suggesting they commandeer an AT-ST walker together. Greez is wracked with guilt after Sorc Tormo abducts Cal; knowing that his gambling debts are the cause of the kidnapping weighs heavily on his conscience. He risks the Haxion Brood's wrath by rescuing Kestis, and expresses remorse to Cal and Cere afterward. The relationship between the pilot and the Padawan improves consideraly from then on. His friendship with Cal grows to the point that, after Cal is gravely injured, Greez refuses to leave his side until he recovers.

Greez is less taken with BD-1, disliking the droid on his ship's furniture, and gets angry when BD-1 scans his lunch. He also acts nervous around Merrin, possibly due to his lingering fears of Dathomir.


