Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Wiki

Jedi: Fallen Order[]

Derelict Hanger[]

Guide on how to find the Stim Canister upgrade in the Derelict Hanger on Zeffo.

Step 1[]

Travel behind the hanger where the waterfall is located.

Zeffo Derelict Hanger Stim Upgrade-Path-1

Step 2[]

Take the path to the right and jump on the rocks until you each a [REDACTED]

Step 3[]

Follow the path with your lightsaber in the dark and you'll find the Stim Canister crate.

Zeffo Derelict Hanger Stim Crate

Imperial Dig Site[]

Guide on how to find the Stim Canister upgrade in the Imperial Dig Site on Zeffo.

Step 1[]

Travel back to the Imperial Dig Site, the Stim Canister crate is above the room where the two KX-Series Security Droid's and lightsaber bench is located.

Zeffo Imperial Dig Site Stim Upgrade-Path-1

Step 2[]

Note: Double-jump, might be needed.

Find your way on the bridge where all the Stormtroopers are. Use 'Powered Zipline' to travel up the zipline, right before the end of the zipline press 'Z' to jump off and land on top of the structure. Walk across the beam and use Force Push to open wall.

Zeffo Imperial Dig Site Stim Upgrade-Path-2
Zeffo Imperial Dig Site Stim Upgrade-Path-3

Step 3[]

Follow the path to find the Stim Canister crate.

Zeffo Imperial Dig Site Stim Crate

Ice Caves[]

Guide on how to find the Stim Canister upgrade in the Ice Caves on Zeffo.

Step 1[]

Travel back to the Imperial Dig Site, right before you head down the lift to battle to the Second Sister.

Zeffo Ice Caves Stim Upgrade-Path-1

Step 2[]

Note: Double-jump, might be needed.

Use Force Pull to grab the rope then use 'Powered Zipline' to travel up the zipline.

Zeffo Ice Caves Stim Upgrade-Path-2

Step 3[]

Follow the path to find the Stim Canister crate.

Zeffo Ice Caves Stim Crate

Venator Wreckage[]

Guide on how to find the Stim Canister upgrade in the Venator Wreckage on Zeffo.

Note: Double-jump, Underwater Breather and BD-1 Overcharge ability is needed.

Step 1[]

Find your way to the Crash Site.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-1

Step 2[]

Get onto of the railing and climb the wreck flooring.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-2

Step 3[]

Once on top of the ship's haul, keep going straight and use double-jump. Next just follow the path down the ice slide. Once you jumped into the water, keep going until you find the Meditation circle.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-3
Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-4

Step 4[]

At the Meditation circle grab onto the ledge that's in front of you and follow that path.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-5

Step 5[]

Once at the top, you will need to use double-jump and force pull to grab the two ropes and guide yourself to the door that's marked with red lights.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-6
Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-7

Step 6[]

After you entered the door marked with the red lights, keep following the path until you reach a Purge Trooper and a Stormtrooper. After you defeated them, open the wall and climb up the rope.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-8

Step 7[]

Next part is a puzzle, complete it to get across.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-9

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-10

Step 8[]

After you completed the puzzle and jumped across, a door will open. At this point you can either pass these enemies and head straight outside or kill them. Note, that if you pass them you'll need to go back in order to get crates inside that room (their isn't a shortcut to get back up).

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Upgrade-Path-11

Once outside follow the path to the left and you'll see the Stim Canister crate.

Zeffo Venator Wreckage Stim Crate