Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Wiki

The Terrarium is an in-door garden for Greez Dritus.


The Terrarium can be found on the Stinger Mantis that throughout Cal Kestis journey to different planets, Cal has the ability to scan different plants to get the seeds of those plants. Upon scanning a plant and getting the seed, Cal must go back to the ship and 'Interact' with the Terrarium in order for the seeds to planted in the Terrarium.

List of seeds[]

  1. Featherfern
  2. Kalpi
  3. Dreamwort
  4. Royal Fluzz
  5. Gillypod
  6. Milk Grass
  7. Mushbloom
  8. Bonshyyr
  9. Bleeding Gut
  10. Mushling

Related Achievements[]

Icon Name Description Gamer Score Trophy
Green Thumb Green Thumb Have a fully grown terrarium 25 Silver